Just had to share my day from yesterday... Morning was great, minus the IPhone alarm clock that is named "Wake Up, Really Wake up and get your running shoes on"... really I named it that thinking that it would give me motivation. Seeing on how I run in the afternoon every day, I don't think it works, but I'll keep trying. every day. every morning. Sigh. Work was short as I had 2 hitting lessons scheduled so I had to get home to get set up... then it started. I saw at the office that the clouds were building in the general direction of my house, so I thought maybe there would be a chance that the lesson's would have to be canceled (I don't usually wish for this but I really wanted to spend the evening with the kids). The lighting and thunder was ridiculous! So I started to make my way and saw this... Then it occurred to me "oh $#!T" I left the equipment out, so I put the medal to the pedal and raced home. (Don't worry Mom, I didn't break ...
Join us as we run, jog and walk through this life that gets no dress rehearsal.