Kapri, you turn 4 today...FOUR! It WAS just yesterday that I got to kiss you for the first time and I swear this morning I was pinching myself that I brought such a perfect baby girl home. But no, it was 4 years ago. You are my true princess and your sense of humor is what gets me through some long days. If I could write down all the funny things you say I could have made a few novels already. Let me tell you some of the things that make you, YOU!
* Micah is still your best friend, but you have managed to let Maggie (your school friend) take that title every so often.
* You LOVE to give kisses at very random times (I'm not complaining)
* You have adjusted to being a big sister to Maddux just fine, as you were a little apprehensive about him when you learned that he was going to be a boy!... I mean really you threw a fit and I have video to prove it.
* You have discovered Ranch dressing this year and you are now empowered to try any food, so long as it's dipped, smothered and dredged in Ranch.
* You are funny, seriously.
* You have 2 nervous tics:
1. If anything/situation makes you uncomfortable your first tic is to turn to me and say "Mommy, I love you"
2. If you are scared, hurt or sad your other tic is to say "Mommy, I miss Dukie"
*** We lost our beloved dog Duke May 7th, 2014***
*Every object that you put in your hand instantly becomes part of the royal family. Your fork and spoon are usually the King and Queeen, crayons and markers are the Prince and Princess'... and it goes on and on!
* You are such a girly girl. Dressing up, putting on play make-up and painting your nails makes you so happy.
* You recently have been wanting to hit in the batting cage and when you asked, I secretly died with pride inside.
* There is not a night that goes by that you don't try and sneak into our bedroom, and when asked why, you simply reply with the same answer every time... "because I wanted to keep you company"
I can't thank God enough for bringing such a beautiful light into our world, keep shinning my love!
...PS, I swear you own clothes, you and your big brother are what we call Hippies :)
* Micah is still your best friend, but you have managed to let Maggie (your school friend) take that title every so often.
* You LOVE to give kisses at very random times (I'm not complaining)
* You have adjusted to being a big sister to Maddux just fine, as you were a little apprehensive about him when you learned that he was going to be a boy!... I mean really you threw a fit and I have video to prove it.
* You have discovered Ranch dressing this year and you are now empowered to try any food, so long as it's dipped, smothered and dredged in Ranch.
* You are funny, seriously.
* You have 2 nervous tics:
2. If you are scared, hurt or sad your other tic is to say "Mommy, I miss Dukie"
*** We lost our beloved dog Duke May 7th, 2014***
*Every object that you put in your hand instantly becomes part of the royal family. Your fork and spoon are usually the King and Queeen, crayons and markers are the Prince and Princess'... and it goes on and on!
* You are such a girly girl. Dressing up, putting on play make-up and painting your nails makes you so happy.
* You recently have been wanting to hit in the batting cage and when you asked, I secretly died with pride inside.
* There is not a night that goes by that you don't try and sneak into our bedroom, and when asked why, you simply reply with the same answer every time... "because I wanted to keep you company"
I can't thank God enough for bringing such a beautiful light into our world, keep shinning my love!
...PS, I swear you own clothes, you and your big brother are what we call Hippies :)