- sum·mer1ˈsəmər/noun
- 1.the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August and in the southern hemisphere from December to February.
I just wanted to give myself a second to really think about this thing called summer. Anyone else think this definition is just a little bit vague? It's that time of year where we get all excited to have ZERO schedule, endless electronics, the chance to travel and cram in all of the fun you planned for all year long. Then when this so called "summer" ends, you feel bamboozled, like someone just waved that 4th of July pie you went to that party to specifically eat, right in front of your face only to look...not eat. Like seriously, it was here, right in front of my face, and now... it's gone. Now, now we pack lunch every night, we get our homework in (which I don't even understand), we figure out which parent is going to be the taxi for the day, we actually have to make them shower and we look at the schedule and wonder if it's Friday yet (another elusive "noun"). Schedules on schedules on schedules.So in effort to find out where this "summer" went let's recap! Spoiler alert... it was pretty darn fun :)California with Firecracker Crew (June)
Big Bear, California (June)
Sleepover with the best buddies! (June)
We just CLOSED on our build (more about that later) - July
We said goodbye to daycare (all 3 went here) - July
Saying Goodbye to Mrs. Nise (Denise), All 3 kiddos had her as their teacher! Minnesota Lake Trip (July)
Then... "it" came to an end. And here we are, back to the routine with 4th, 2nd and Pre-K kiddos. Bring it on, until next time "summer"...until next time.
You know that sinking, useless, hopeless feeling you get when one of your children are sick or hurt? Those feelings were almost more than I could take when I went to take Kapri in for her 15 month check up on Tuesday morning and ended up in surgery Tuesday night... A little over two weeks ago Kapri began to limp on her right leg and after noticing I kept an eye on it and it would differ day to day. Sometimes it wasn't even noticeable as she would run back and forth from her brother or just in her play. Other times is was so noticeable I found myself holding her more than I ever had (after she learned how to walk). I decided that it was time to call the Dr. and see what his thoughts were. So Friday (18th) we got her in. The typical questions like, did she fall, was she pushed at school, does she have a temp, etc. Since NONE of these symptoms seemed to be the case he wanted me to just keep her on Motrin and since she had her 15 month check up on Tuesday (...